Sunday, April 22, 2012

Busy Saturday

Yesterday was a busy day for the Melders! It's been one of those weekends I guess. But surprisingly, it's all worked out quite well and been a great family time and the boys have dealt with it all very well. So, back to yesterday... I had a baby shower thing to attend in the morning, but Doug had to take Koen to soccer and assistant coach that activity. Our friend, Megan, came by to hang out with Tavin. Here's a very cute picture of the two of them. Tavin is so comfortable with Megan. He didn't mind at all when I left and obviously you can see here that he's a happy guy! 

Megan also gave me this video of Tav playing in the playroom. He was filling up his garbage truck with gas. Pretty cute!
So, Tav was having fun, and I was definitely having a great time with girlfriends at the baby shower eating amazing brunch food and talking about babies, but poor Doug and Koen! They were stuck in the 45 degree weather in the constant rain playing soccer and freezing! Doug ended up catching a ride home so that he could get Koen warmed up before an afternoon birthday party Koen got to attend. Tavin was thrilled to see Daddy and Koen and asked if he could help get Koen cleaned up. Doug said OK and Tav scampered upstairs, but first stopped to say, "Bye Bye, Miss Megan" and blew her a kiss! To keep the cuteness going, look at how hard he is concentrating on helping clean brother. Not to mention, how nice is Koen to let Tav do it! 

I returned home just in time to pick up a warmed up Koen and get him to the birthday party on time. It was the first time we had dropped him off at a party. We were confident in the home, parents and little friends that would be there, but it was still a big deal to me to drop him off and go home for a few hours without him. To continue the craziness of the day, shortly after I got home I laid Tavin down for nap and then Doug had a couple for premarital counseling arrive for a session. I kept busy upstairs until I got Koen at 3pm. Then he and I watched a movie while I ironed and he had some chill time. Seriously, could we have packed in much more? Amazingly, it all worked out great. Koen stayed in wonderful spirits despite his big day and Tav took a great nap and loved being with all of us that evening. Doug and I laid the boys down right on time and then made our favorite in-house date night treat, pizza. We deserved a simple, relaxing night and that's what we had. Ahhh... A good day indeed!

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