Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Penn at Play

This is such a fun development that Penn is sitting up.  It is changing my life.  If I need to grab something, I can just set him on the floor (in a spot that's safe and where he would have a cushioned fall).  He loves it.  His vantage point has changed.  His ability to reach for things has changed.  He can even sort of interact/play with his big bros.  I had to snap a picture of what looks like Tav and Penn are playing trucks together this morning. 
As you can see, he's pretty happy about being a sitter-upper!
And a closeup because he's so cute.
 A little while after this playtime it was time for Penn's bath.  When I laid him onto his little bath cushion I saw him straighten his back like he thought I wanted him to sit.  Hmmm, there's an idea...why don't we try sitting in the bath?  Well, it was a huge success.  Here he is at the beginning of the bath.  This pic looks like he's saying, "this is different..."
And this looks like, "How am I doing, Mom?"
He did awesome.  He was sturdy and not afraid at all.  He splashed his hands in the tub in front of him like crazy and got his face all wet, even got water in his eyes!  Brave little guy!  Unfortunately he did have a little scare at the end of the bath, but I think he was more tired than anything.  We ended the bath time with a super cuddly towel dry snuggle and he was happy again.  Tavin was a great cheerleader through the whole bath time..."good job, Penn Rye!" over and over again.  So sweet!  

Today Penn Rye was doing something else new.  I think teeth are bothering him again because he was doing the funniest things with his mouth and tongue today.  He was blowing bubbles, sucking his lips in, smacking his lips, sticking out his tongue, etc.  He was doing it like crazy when I was changing his diaper in the afternoon, so I grabbed my camera to try and get a video.  Unfortunately, he spotted the camera and just wanted to smile and try to get the camera, but I thought I'd show it anyways.  I know the grandparents reading the blog can't get enough of this guy and always love the videos, so I thought, why not?  
Well, that's the update on my Penn.  He's amazing.  I feel like every time I get him out of his crib in the mornings and even after naps, he looks like he's grown and I can see a glimpse of the little boy he will become.  Please Penn, don't grow up too fast.  You are such a fun baby!

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