Saturday, February 2, 2013

Daddy & the "Big Boys" Go to the Children's Museum

That's right...Tav is officially a BIG BOY now.  I'm so proud of this kid!  Yesterday Douglas took him out to the Children's Museum with Koen (who had the day off of school) and he did awesome!  I was a little nervous of an accident out and about with Daddy, but nope, that didn't happen.  And to boot, they all had a great morning out.  Here are the pictures I received from Doug while they were there...  Tav loves the dollhouse I guess.  Looks like Koen got in on the phone too (kind of looks like he's cramping Tav's style).

When I got the next picture, Doug said, "Tav said he was driving Penn Rye to school when he grows up."  How sweet that he was thinking of his little brother!
And here we have the successful Captain Underpants after his visit to the restroom getting some much deserved water after showing Daddy he could handle being out on the town.
The boys apparently played quite well together while at the museum.  I guess it really does help to just get them out of the house, away from the normal toys, etc.  Somewhere where they can get some energy out and apply themselves to some new challenges.  Thanks for taking them, Douglas.  They needed this!  (And I needed the time to get stuff done at home...oh how I kept busy, felt great!).

Penn was completely oblivious to his brothers' fun outing with Daddy.  He spent most of the time in his crib having a super weird nap where he woke up after a half hour and then chatted to himself for about an hour and then finally fell back asleep just twenty minutes before I needed to wake him up to feed him.  Here's my sleeping beauty before I woke him for lunch.

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