Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Monday Morning with My Tavin

After a busy weekend, it was so nice to have a calm morning at home with Tavin (and Penn, but he sleeps a lot of the time).  At breakfast, Tavin was chatting up a storm about playing out in the backyard in the snow the night before and Doug and I were just blown away by the verbose explanations.  I tried to get him to tell me all about it again later in the morning on video and he took it in a different direction and it turned into it's own hilarious discussion.  It's pretty great listening to Tavin, but it's very entertaining to watch Penn's reaction in the background to Tav's sound effects.  You are going to watch this one again and again (well, at least I do).
So, after Penn went for his nap, Tav got to watch his "Roar" DVD for a little bit.  He doesn't last more than 15-20 minutes with DVD's usually.  I actually appreciate this about him since I don't love having the kids in front of the TV (but as of late we spend more time with them there since they are so good at earning their DVD tickets with going to sleep at night and waiting until 7am to make noise in the AM).  After his ticket usage, we had fun making muffins together.  Tavin really helped this time and he did such a good job.  He was meticulous and so careful.  Here he is stirring (he loved making it look like mud).
While the muffins were baking, Tav requested to go outside.  He's amazing.  He doesn't mind going out there all by himself.  And it's super sweet because he chats to himself or hums/sings the whole time.  I like to crack open the door occasionally just to hear the sweetness.  Here he is working with the dump truck. 
He came inside around the time I had to feed Penn and he played while I did that and then we had lunch when Koen got home from school.  The morning was perfect.  It didn't fly by and it was just a nice, special time hanging out with my middle man.  Oh, how I love him!

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