Saturday, February 23, 2013

Let's Do An Experiment, Mommy...

So this weekend Doug's preaching.  That means Doug leaves mid-morning on Saturday.  He had a nice start to the day with the boys and it was nice that I wasn't "on" with all 3 little guys from the get-go (and got some extra snuggles with Penn).  After I laid Penn down for a nap at 10am, Doug had to get ready to go, so I took K &T out on a quick scooter walk before Doug had to depart.  On the walk Koen was curious about the plan for the morning.  And then he had his own vision..."hey Mommy, while Tav uses his ticket to watch a DVD, how about we do an experiment." there's a challenge.  Maybe we'd just make cookies?  Then the gears in my head started to churn and I remembered something I saw on Pinterest.  Simple baking soda/vinegar bubbly fun.  "Sure Koen, we can do an experiment...let's make lava!"  And he was hooked!

Here he is making it fizz and bubble.  He loved it!  Quite the mad scientist.

Here's a video for you to see and hear a little of the action.
After we completed our experiment, Tav wasn't quite done with his Thomas show, so I asked Koen if he wanted to notate what he learned from his experiment just like real scientists do.  Koen and his classmates keep journals at school to practice writing out their thoughts, so I asked if he wanted to start an experiment journal for this purpose.  He was all excited!  He really wanted to take a picture for Grampa to see what he learned.
In case you can't read it, it says: "Experiment 1: I learned about reactions.  Baking soda + vinegar = fizzy bubbles.  Color + color = new color.  Saturday, February 23, 2013.  A little scientist in the making?  Now I'm going to have to do my research and find some other simple home experiments.  My how this guy loved it!

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