Sunday, June 26, 2011

Brothers at Breakfast

Tavin emulates Koen so much. The second child continues to be a new experience for us. Koen at this stage didn't know the grass was greener on the other side per se. But Tavin gets to see all the freedom and independence of a four year old and figures that he is entitled to the same. It's so frustrating! Tavin has been battling with his 1st year molars the past few weeks (and particularly the past few days) so he is cranky and then he seems to not be able to calm himself down when he gets an idea, so if he wants to eat in a chair like brother he throws a fit until he gets what he wants. I try to make the high chair last, but it is a tough battle. This morning he ate only 4 bites of his breakfast! Eventually I gave in since I knew we had to go to church and he needed a good breakfast for the long morning. Tonight he threw a similar fit at dinnertime outside even though he was in a booster seat. How is a booster seat that much different than a chair? Why does he have to know the difference? I'm hoping this is just a phase. He is not old enough to ruin every meal (he has barely been eating anything lately because of the teeth and the fits!) and go hungry, but he seems to have just as strong of a will as his big brother! Oh dear, I'm in for it! Here are the boys at breakfast. It's pretty cute, but I'm determined to not let this be the norm (it's just not safe yet for Tav).

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