Saturday, March 12, 2011

Walking Practice

Last night at our friend's house, Tavin was using a push toy truck on their hardwood floors and loved simulating walking. I don't know why I haven't brought our truck down to the first floor before, but after that I decided now was definitely time. Tavin was thrilled! He is so excited to walk. It's a little annoying at this point for me as he just walks until he bumps into something and then he grunts until I turn around the truck. I'm trying to teach him how to do it himself, but since it's just Day 1, I'm guessing it might take a few days to get the intricacies down. =)

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Tav! You're on your way!
    (As a side note, you would have fit right in with the Braly boys when I dressed them in their overalls and orange earlier this week!) :)
