Thursday, March 24, 2011

Last Day in Florida on Vacation, Part III, Bye Beach

We had to take one final trip to the beach tonight, so after the boys woke up from their naps we headed over there to feed them a picnic dinner and play in the sand and the waves one more time before we head back home tomorrow.

Tavin and I hung out on the towel and I fed him his dinner. Koen and Daddy dove into another sand project. This time they built a chair (maybe Daddy is getting tired of sand castle building??).
Koen and I had a blast running around in the waves after he ate his dinner. The water and the air were almost the same temperature and it just felt awesome to be in the surf. Oh, how I love the ocean. I am really going to miss this!

We packed the boys up and made it home just in time for their baths and bed. Doug and I got some more packing/organizing done and then Doug cooked us all a delicious fresh dinner of Red Snapper that he picked up at a fish market this afternoon, caught today! It was delicious! We had a laid back evening with Phil & Leah and have all said our goodnights and goodbyes now. I'm sad and should be in bed. I just wish this wasn't our last day!

Goodbye, Destin. Hope to see you again soon!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading all your vacation posts! It looks like you all had a blast. cool is it for a little guy to have an uncle who flies fighters jets? SO COOL! =)

    I love all the beach pics. So glad you had so much fun!
