Monday, June 14, 2010

We Get to Go Home!

We saw the doctor's this morning and they thought Tavin was doing much better. Thankfully he didn't have a fever overnight and so he has been fever free for almost 24 hours now. The other major issue was that he was totally rejecting medications by mouth previously, but we just had his first dose of his new meds and he did it! It was definitely not pretty or easy, but he kept it all down. I'm so excited to take him home soon! We probably won't be leaving the hospital until 1 or 2pm, but I'm so thrilled to get home.

Doug and my Mom and Koen all came to visit Tavin and I this morning. It was so great to see Koen. Seems like he grew up in the few days I've been gone even. =) Mom is staying with me through the discharge from the hospital which is nice to have company and another set of arms to hold Tavin.
Tavin is acting more like himself this morning. We had some sweet playtime, lots of smiles and he has rediscovered that he is teething and is trying to shove everything into his mouth, including the doctor's stethescope.


  1. Amy--so happy you guys get to go home! We will continue to pray for all of you and if you need ANYTHING, please let me know. God Bless!

  2. Hooray! So glad to hear that he's doing better and that you're home! =)
