Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weekend in Review...Long Overdue

I feel like I haven't blogged in days...oh wait, I haven't! I miss it, but it has been a hot and steamy few days in the Burgh filled with fun activities and family and friend time. It's time to catch you up!
So, the rest of my birthday on Wednesdsay was great. Doug made me dinner (delicious whole wheat ravioli with fresh asparagus and zucchini and homemade tomato sauce and a garden chopped salad, yum!) and Abbie made me a decadent chocolate cake. The cake wasn't done cooking before Koen went to bed, but yet we had told him that he could have some after dinner. So, thankfully I remembered that we had put some brownies in the freezer a few weeks ago. We grabbed out a piece and thawed it, stuck a candle in it and he sang to me and then blew out the candle. Whew! He was happy with it, but it was hilarious because he is just too smart...he said, "hey, that looks just like a brownie!" I don't even know if he's ever had a brownie. You can't pull a fast one on him. It also made me happy that he didn't even finish the small serving. I love that he isn't a crazy sweet tooth.

After dinner which was accompanied with thunderstorms, the clouds parted and the temperature cooled a little, so Abbie and I headed on a walk. It was a perfect birthday treat as I love evening walks and usually can't get out before dark because Doug is often out after the boys are in bed. Plus, I love talking with my little sister. I have to make the most of these moments to have her in person before she moves away from Pittsburgh for the summer and then for married life!

Thursday was the day I posted about whining. So, see previous post if you missed that. I do need to update all of those concerned, that after a long nap for both boys, Mommy and boys were refreshed and we all made it through the remainder of the day OK. Thanks for all the encouraging and caring posts. Whining continues to be a problem, but a lot of it is his age and that we are learning how to discipline and combat it in the process. We will get there!

Friday was a nice day. Koen went to Delia's for much of Tavin's naptime and then Tavin and I joined him after Tavin woke up and ate. It was a nice treat to get some work done in the morning hours. I plowed through quite a few tasks...yay!

Delia's backyard is quite an urban haven. They have lots of wildflowers, perennials, vegetables and even wild raspberry bushes. When I got there, Koen and Delia were picking raspberries for a pretend party they were preparing. So cute!
Tavin and Huxley got to hang out next to each other for the first time as Hilary had to run inside with Delia. They were somewhat interested in each other, but moreso were looking for their older siblings.
Friday night I went to a going away/bachelorette party for Abbie. It was my first voyage on the Gateway Clipper Fleet, a Pittsburgh landmark of sorts. It was a fun evening with Abbie's sweet Pittsburgh girlfriends and a hilarious riverboat experience. I love Pittsburgh! Beautiful rivers, landmarks, stadiums, downtown skyline, etc. and the people here just love their town and are so proud of it and it's known traditions like the Gateway Clipper.

On Saturday, we had a fun family day. Koen was a little whiney, but it helps to survive it when your spouse is there to help take the blow. Doug and Koen had a quick bike ride in the morning (meaning Doug pushed Koen on his slightly-too-big bike). When they got back I had laid Tavin down and was putting together our stuff so that Koen and I could walk to the pool at our gym. It was perfect timing. Koen was ready to relax and ride in the shade in the carriage and I was so excited to get out on a fast-paced walk! Plus, the pool on a hot day is one of my favorite things! Koen jumped right into the pool and was swimming around like earlier in the week. It was so fun to actually be swimming with my son. Koen was so fun. As I would tread water and would get creative moving my legs in front and back, Koen would say, "Wow, Mommy, that's a great trick!" He cracks me up! Koen also congratulated me for swimming on my back. Then he would say, "Swim on your belly, that's right Mommy, swim on your belly - where Tavin was born." He says all these things with the most adorable 3 year old accent, "Swim on your bey-yee - where Tavin was bohn."
warming up while waiting for Daddy to come

Doug and Tavin met us at the gym after Tavin's morning nap so I could feed him and Doug could take over with the swimming activities. Koen wanted to try the tunnel slide at the pool. I was amazed. He did it all by himself over and over again! But after we had then been there for 2 and a half hours, Koen's lips were blue and he couldn't stop shivering, so it was time to head in to change and then quickly head home for naptime. What a fun time at the pool. I love it! Tavin isn't that into it, but he was only there for about 45 mins. and I didn't even bother getting him into the water this time.

Yesterday evening Doug and I had a lovely evening out with some friends of ours. We finally got to try Avenue B on Centre Ave. We loved it. I had cocoa ravioli with a beet and marscapone filling it was topped with crushed pistachios, marinated beets and even a touch of foam. It was so delicious, but definitely very rich. We were all happy with our dishes and the service and ambiance was also great. We highly recommend it, although do note, it is a special place to visit and has a price to match!

Today we tried a new strategy for church. We usually go to the 11am, but Koen absolutely crashes and falls apart after the late service as it infringes on lunch and naptime, so we decided to attempt the 9am instead. Koen was in much better spirits both before and after. Tavin on the other hand, was a little difficult. He was great and went to nursery without crying, but his naptime starts during the service and he got tired fast in the arms of the nursery workers and they eventually laid him down in the crib and he took a 30 min. nap or so. Unfortunately, this catnap prohibited Tavin from falling asleep again when we got home (my original plan). Thankfully, he's a trooper and was fine until the afternoon nap. Both he and Koen took 3 hour naps this afternoon. Yay! Which was great because my dear friend Bethany came to visit during naptime and then stayed a little afterward to see the boys.

Before bathtime, the boys were out in the backyard with me and Tavin was dealing with some tummy time (he still doesn't like it). Koen came up next to him to talk to him and comfort him and just love on him. It was so precious. A few pictures and a video...

Now I'm relaxing a few minutes with my feet up after having enjoyed our famous homemade pizza night after the boys went to bed. A favorite! An appropriate end to a great summer weekend.

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