Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cloudy Morning at the Melders

I cancelled playgroup for this morning due to the 70%+ probability of rain for most of the day. And of course, the first sprinkle is just starting now at almost 3:30pm. Weather must be a much harder thing to predict than they make it seem online and on TV, because it is so, so often that these meteorologists are incorrect.

So, we spent a long morning at home instead and then made a quick trip to the library after Tavin woke up and ate.

Tavin and I woke up Koen around 8:30am even though Koen was still just chilling happily in his bed. Tavin seemed really anxious to see him this morning, I really think Tavin knows that is what happens next and he gets bored with it just being us and wants to go see Koen. Although, we did have some fun just laying on my bed talking and working on his rolling over techniques as our final activity before we went up to get Koen.

Koen immediately wanted to make blueberry muffins. His memory is amazing! I told him yesterday that we couldn't because we didn't have eggs. Last night in our Whole Foods trip we were supposed to have gotten eggs, but alas, we forgot! So this morning I had to tell him that again we didn't have eggs and couldn't make them. Koen got really sad and said, "but Mommy, if we don't have eggs, we can use raisins instead." So hilariously cute! I ended up giving in and saying that we could go make the muffins without the eggs. We just added extra milk and oil to the make an additional 1/4 cup of liquid and it worked fine. They ended up being delicious, plus Koen was able to enjoy batter for the first time since there was no egg to be worried about. He loved it! Tavin hung out in the Moby wrap and actually really enjoyed the activity too. He amazed me staying calm and happy until 10am even though he woke up before 6:30am!

During Tavin's morning nap, Koen and I played, I showered (and Koen had an accident...ugh, more to follow on the adventures of toilet training) and then Koen and I went downstairs to get some things done. He actually got really into playing cars, so I was able to get a jumpstart on cleaning the house for small group tonight, but then he of course wanted to help sweep, so we did that for awhile. I try to just encourage his helpfulness, but it is so, so hard as a Type A person to let a 3 year old Swiffer right up to my dirt piles! We made it through that and he went back to his cars. Then we proceeded to fixing this super annoying shoe rack in our coat closet that keeps breaking (Doug has way too many shoes!). Koen's job was to take all of Doug's shoes out of the closet so we could fix the rack. He took all of them out by wearing them around the house and lining them up on the floor. I wish I had gotten more pictures. He looked so funny!

Like I said earlier, after Tavin's nap and feeding, we headed to the library. We were 5 books away from our limit of 50 books and hadn't been for weeks, so we really needed to get some new books and let some other children in the area read some books too. =) It was a nice trip. Koen loves our librarian Miss Caralee. He also really got into playing with the trains today. Tavin spent most of the time in my arms or chilling out on the floor playing. He definitely has been a little more needy lately. I can't decide if it is because of this pesky cough or because of how much he was held over the weekend with loving Aunt Leah here. =) He'll get back to normal eventually, with 2 it is just impossible to hold them every second!
Before nap today Koen had a huge toilet training success (which was encouraging to me even more than him I'm sure). It was an exciting step forward and he was so proud of himself. It's really fun to see your kids get proud of something they've done (even if it does require them sticking their heads into the toilet seat and saying, "look, I did it!").

1 comment:

  1. bananas are also a good egg substitute. i've used them in blueberry muffins before and they turned out great!
