Monday, June 7, 2010

Tavin Eats Carrots!

Today we had my friend, Deborah (Miss Deborah to Koen) and her son, Miles, and daughter, Claire, over for playtime and lunch. I called Deborah out of the blue last night, just knowing that I would need something different going on today. I was so right! Both Koen and I were a little short and bored this morning, the change of pace with visitors did the trick! Deborah and I had some great discussions too. It's so nice going through motherhood and parenthood with like-minded friends! Thanks for the good, honest conversations, Deborah!!

Koen and Miles played very well together. Both are quite into the trains and trucks and cars, so it made for good opportunities to encourage sharing, but except for a few teachable moments, they did very well.

Tavin is really teething I think. On top of the cough and now runny nose he has been battling (which all could be derived from teething), he is also just ornery lately. He can still instantly give a smile or a laugh and very often cheers up, but it is sad to see him suffering and acting differently than normal.

Today I tried giving him oatmeal after his morning feeding, but he was not interested. After his lunchtime feeding though, he was completely into it and devoured all of it and seemed like he wanted more. So, I figured why not try something new? And it was fun that Deborah was there to play photographer. Tavin ate carrots for the first time and loved them. I figured he would have a few bites and be done, but he ate almost the entire jar!! We made quite a mess, but it was fun seeing him experience something new.

He won't stop to pose, too concentrated on the bright orange new food...
Still staring at the strange new treat as it approaches his palate...

a small battle for the spoon, he has a super grip already!

Deborah, Miles and Claire left a little after 2pm and then Tavin and I laid Koen down and then Tavin had had it as well. The house is quiet (except for the steady traffic stream and whirring monitors), hopefully it stays that way for a few hours. Whew...

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