Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tavin's First Trip to Children's Hospital

And the firsts just keep on coming! What a week it has been. Poor Tavin has been sick for a week and before that had a cough for over a week. By mid-week this week, he had a higher fever and runny nose in addition to the cough, so we took him to our pediatrician and he was diagnosed with an ear infection and put on Amoxycillin. Unfortunately, Tavin did not accept the medicine and would either spit it out, gag on it or throw it up. So after a day and a half of that ordeal (and then he also started rejecting Tylenol orally) and no improvement in his condition, plus an increase in lethargy and having trouble eating, we took him back to the pediatrician on Friday. The doctor checked his ears again and saw that he did have ear infections, but that they weren't that bad to be causing Tavin to act so sick, so he sent us directly to Children's Hospital.

I have to note here how at peace I was on Friday through this whole process. God has provided us a city with just such fabulous clinicians and facilities. Our pediatrician is a family friend and sincerely cares about Tavin's welfare. I could tell he wanted to make sure everything was OK. Then, we have a dear friend who is a doctor at Children's. It was God's timing because right as we were going in to the emergency room she was finishing up her shift. She was able to sit with us through everything as well as ensure we were assigned great doctors, nurses, a private room, etc. Thanks, Elizabeth, for spending your Friday night off in your place of work. It brought us trememdous comfort in this situation.

So, at the emergency room they took chest x-rays, hooked Tavin up to an IV (he was pretty well dehydrated), did bloodwork and gave him more Tylenol (which didn't go well orally, so they had to do it the other way). After the radiologist and doctors reviewed his x-rays, they determined that he has pneumonia. They gave him his first antibiotic dose there and then let me know that they needed to admit him overnight to watch him. Again, the Lord is so good. I was very at peace through this whole situation. It helped to have Elizabeth there and this hospital is just so beautiful and well-staffed, we felt very well cared for and safe.

After a night of relatively high fevers on and off and a morning of throwing up and rejecting oral medications, it was obvious that they wanted us to stay over again last night. Saturday night was less hectic and both Tavin and I got more sleep than the previous night. They have to check his vitals every 4 hours and in between they listen to his chest and check his IV, so it definitely is still quite busy, but we are getting used to the routine a little more and are just so exhausted, it is easier to get back to sleep.

This morning, Tavin still had a fever and also still rejected oral meds, so we are here again overnight. Hopefully tomorrow there will be some further progress. I can still tell he is fighting this. He is quite uncomfortable and ornery. It is hard to soothe him too because he is restricted by the IV and oxygen monitor tubes. He is napping somewhat well despite the interruptions to the room for vital checks, etc. I'm excited to now have my computer here as it is tough to be unproductive (except for making lots of milk!) for 3 days when you are a Type A person like me.

Doug has been visiting the last two afternoons bringing me food other than the cafeteria stuff. It is a helpful change in menu as the cafeteria food is status quo. Thanks, babe. If you live in the Pittsburgh area and haven't tried either of these bistros, you should...J'eet on Penn Ave. in Lawrenceville and Juicebox in Shadyside off of Walnut. So great!

Finally, I just have to say how much I miss my other little man. Koen was able to visit us in the ER, but since then it is hard to have him come here due to germs and I just don't want it to fall at a time where Tavin is enjoying some rest. Aunt Abbie is caring for him today, Miss Kyndal had him part of yesterday and Daddy has handled the rest. Thanks so much for the community effort! We as a family are so blessed to have so many friends to take such good care of us in times of need. And we are really looking forward to the biggest perk of all of this sad situation, Gramma is coming into town to help! She will be here for a week starting tonight. Thanks, Dad for flying her in. I am no longer scared about going home exhausted and behind on my housework, laundry and work because I know I will have her there to help. Such a gift to us!

Here are a few hospital pics of sad Tavin...


  1. We'll be praying for all of you!

  2. Oh my Amy, I had no idea all this was going on! Tavin will be in our prayers...Toby Cuda was in the hospital for pneumonia a few months ago, and while the hospital is great, it is still stressful/draining/scary/exhausting. We will be praying for you too!

    Hoping for some "firsts" that are not so traumatic in your next posts! Hang in there friend!
