Saturday, November 3, 2012

Daddy to the Rescue

So I finally got hit with this annoying (and quite uncomfortable) cold that Doug had, then Koen, then Tav and finally, Penn.  Ugh.  Thankfully the worst of it hit during Doug's day off.  To give me some time to force myself to rest (not hard when you are feverish and have a very painful sore throat!), he took Tavin out all morning in between Koen's drop off and pick up.  Tavin continues to cough and have a drippy nose, but he's definitely on the mend, so we figured he could handle a morning in the van with Daddy running about 10 errands and taking in a storytime at the library.  Here's the cute Daddy Day pal with his "Zim."
And then enjoying storytime at the East Liberty library.
Tav is our little homebody, at least for now.  He constantly asked Doug, "back home now, Daddy?"  It was such a blessing that they could be out all morning so I could snag some extra rest during Penn's naps.  It was very refreshing, but I still felt awful by the time the boys all got home for lunch.  After getting Tavin down for nap and Koen set for rest time, Doug hung out with Penn while I cleaned up a little.  I snapped a few pics in attempts to get a picture of Penn sucking his thumb, but instead I got some very special pictures of Douglas with his youngest son.  (And can I just comment on how beautiful my husband's eyelashes are?)

Although I felt pretty bad all day yesterday and Penn and I had a rough night due to fighting the cold.  I am feeling like I could be through the worst today with the feverish feelings gone and just the raw sore throat and normal cold symptoms to battle now.  Hopefully Penn isn't feeling this intense sore throat too, but if he is, he is a remarkable little guy for dealing with it so well.  Thanks to Douglas for affording me the time to get on the mend.

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