Sunday, November 4, 2012

Coordinated Crew

Without really meaning to, I happened to coordinate the boys quite well for church today.  They looked so handsome and cute that I had to snap a few photos before heading out the door.  We actually had the time for it due to the time change.  The boys were all great about sucking up the extra hour in their beds or rooms, but since Penn did eat about 20 minutes earlier than usual I had that extra time to get us up and ready and we swallowed a little bit of it with this photo opp.

As you can see from the first picture, Tav wasn't really into serious business and just wanted to be silly.  It was tough to get a picture that's OK of all three of them.
I absolutely love the look on Penn's face in this picture.  "What on earth is going on here?"
Not too bad.  And yes, I know, the boys' hair is a mess and I forgot to take Penn's hood off, but oh well, they are still darling.
Koen was so proud to be holding Penn on his own.  And I think Penn felt very secure in his biggest brother's arms.  It was really special to see.

This one is adorable.  Penn smiled when Koen gave him kisses!  I didn't even tell Koen to do this.  It was so sweet!
Another OK one of all 3 of my handsome little men.  Oh, how I love them!

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