Sunday, November 11, 2012

Amazing Weather Weekend, Amendment

So, tonight did end up going pretty well.  Although, Tavin was oddly extremely whiney and sensitive.  We had fun despite that though.  Koen wanted a clubhouse, so I suggested with the mild weather that we make the most of it and put our little play tent up in the backyard. They loved the idea!  Penn hung out on a blanket under the Bradford pear tree while I set it up.
Once set up, Koen and Tavin started filling it with trucks and building supplies and enjoyed sitting in there with their flashlights.
Before I brought Penn in, I had Koen hold him in the "clubhouse."  Koen did a great job holding him confidently and the photo turned out great.  Can't you just see them fast-forwarded in 3 years all playing together?
The tent fun didn't last quite as long as I'd hoped, but we did have some more fun together up in the playroom before Penn's catnap and dinner.  Dinnertime went pretty smoothly, although again Tav was kind of weird.  I really hope he's not getting sick again.  He had a good, long nap today which is sometimes a sign of something coming on, but it also could just mean he had a hard time waking up for our evening time together.  Here's hoping it's the latter.  I got the boys bathed and Tav to bed and then Koen hung out and got to watch a little show while I fed Penn.  When Penn finished eating, I asked Koen to hold him while I switched the laundry real quick.  When I came back into the living room, look how cute they were lounging together!  Koen is such a natural and Penn is obviously so comfortable with his biggest brother.  I love it!

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