Friday, November 9, 2012

Daddy On Duty

I love Fridays!!  Doug is so in to the family thing on his days off.  I'm so thankful for how engaged he is in the boys' lives.  He took Koen to school today and Tavin and Penn and I enjoyed starting our day together as usual.  Doug got back around 10am and took Tavin off for errands and storytime at the library before picking Koen up at school.  Here are the pictures that tell the story of another great Friday of Daddy and his big boys...

Tav & Doug put in an order for our Thanksgiving turkey.  Looks like Tav could be the adorable poster child for Pittsburgh's Public Market.
After a few more errands (including picking out some roses for Mommy!) Tavin and Doug landed at the library again in time for storytime.  How precious are they?!
After picking up Koen, they headed out to lunch at Dee's for pizza.  Tavin kept busy with his diggers while waiting for the food to arrive (gotta keep them busy when their tummies are growling!).
Then Doug took the boys to a playground to take in this gorgeous Fall day.  He said it was a blast watching Tavin keep up with big brother.

Koen ran into his sweet friend, Delia, on the playground.  Such a happy reunion!  Look at these two!
Well, the boys came home a little before 2pm and Tavin crashed of course.  Koen had plenty of steam left and helped Doug in the backyard before some rest time.  He has a special outing tonight (a Pitt game with a Kindergarten buddy!) and Douglas and I are looking forward to getting out on a date with some friends.  Such a good Daddy Day!  Love you, babe.  Keep being awesome!

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