Friday, November 16, 2012

Koen's First Kindergarten Parent/Teacher Conference

I have been looking forward to this day since Koen's first day of school.  I actually told Koen's teacher that and she said she has never heard that before.  What?  I've been dying to know what my big boy has been up to at school.  You only get so much info from a five-year-old.  I've been waiting to hear from his teacher about his demeanor, his progress, his friends, you know, everything!  Thankfully it was a very positive report, which I was expecting based off some smaller conversations his teacher and I have had over the past few months here and there.  But it was fun to see his work on math, handwriting, spelling, etc.  It was good to hear what he struggles with, where he excels and ways that I can help him at home.  It helps me develop ideas for our afternoon time together to brainstorm activities that coincide with areas where he could see improvement.  But all in all, Koen is doing great.  I'm particularly pleased that he really isn't a problem for the teacher and she finds him a joy in her class.  And it's also good to know that he seems very happy to be there (which is definitely the vibe I get at home too).  Good job, Koen, I'm so thankful that you love your school, your new friends, your teacher and learning.  Can't wait to see how you continue to grow!!

Here's some artwork that was up in the hallways outside his classroom...

I received Koen's school picture today, unfortunately it is the worst picture you can imagine. For Koen's sake, I'm not even posting a preview picture on the blog.  It's that pathetic. =)  I think it's adorable due to the pathetic-ness, but I don't want him to be sad I put it out here someday, so I'm keeping it in his box of special things and someday he and his wife can have a really good laugh about it.  Thankfully his class picture turned out a little better, so I framed it and he has it in his room.  He's so proud of it!  Well, that's all from Kindergarten for now!

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