Sunday, November 11, 2012

Amazing Weather Weekend

You could sum up our weekend by saying that we are spending as much time as possible outside in this gorgeous weather!  Yesterday we started our day with family pictures.  We coordinated our outfits somewhat and for some reason Koen thought he should create an outfit for Teddy to match too.  Once he started on the project though, we realized he was going to need some help.  I made the shirt, Doug made the pants.  Doesn't Teddy look hysterical?  Koen loves it!
Our outfits hopefully looked a little less rigid and a little more natural in our pictures.  My friend, Krissy, took the pictures again (she did my maternity photos).  We again went to Washington's Landing, but this time facing the city and using the bridge architecture there.  It was a lot of fun being out on such a gorgeous Fall day just being a family (and smiling a lot!).  Here's the only preview I have as of yet.  
After our photo shoot, we got straight home as Doug needed to shoot off to work (preaching weekend).  After lunch and getting Penn and Tavin down for their naps, Koen and I headed out to the backyard to cut back all my rose bushes and some other shrubs around the yard.  He was a big help and it was nice (sort of, wouldn't have minded a little peace and quiet either) to have some company.  After naps we headed down the street to play with neighbors.  It was still quite mild out so we ended up staying out until a little before 6pm despite the sun setting about 30 minutes prior.  Felt good to get the boys out in the evening again.  I'm really going to miss that this winter!  

Today is another amazing Fall day, which worked out great since when Doug preaches he has the car and I walk the boys to the East End campus for church.  It was a beautiful morning walk (except for Penn screaming the whole way for some reason).  We had a nice time at church and then headed back up to play and have lunch at the playground on our walk home.    The boys were happy to run around and play outside and I just loved taking in some more of the perfect day.  We bumped into a bunch of neighborhood friends there, so there were lots of playmates for Koen, which was also great for him.  He really needs peer playtime right now, I was so happy he got some of that in unplanned.  Tavin, on the other hand, mostly hung out by himself, here he is playing with his diggers in the mulch.

We left in time to get home for Penn's 1pm feeding, but we all were sad to go in.  The boys pretended to fall asleep on the front lawn so that they wouldn't have to finish their outdoor time.  It was pretty cute.
The little guys are napping and after about an hour of Koen playing out in the backyard on his own, I set him up for rest time in his room.  I'm enjoying a little quiet now before 4pm when Koen is allowed to come back down and hang out and then at 4:30pm I'll feed Penn again.  Things are going well so far today with Daddy out again, hopefully tonight goes smoothly too.  This morning was awesome because the boys actually played well together in the living room before church building a parking lot and some roadways.
Before nap they came up with another game upstairs that was actually going smoothly too (that means that Koen had given up picking on Tav and Tavin was not squealing in frustration every minute to defend himself).  Hopefully tonight they will continue enjoying that game (Tavin has his heart set on it, so I hope Koen's into it!).

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