Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 2 in the New...Pretty Smooth

So, Penn Rye is just amazing.  He continues to blow me away.  I mean, I have to say that it is a comfort that it's round 3 and I know that things always do work out OK.  So, maybe the fact that there seems to be less pressure helps too, but I have to give Penn his due...this little guy definitely knows how to go with the flow.  Today we continued on with our new schedule.  Penn was accommodating.  He ate at 7:15am and then we had to take Koen to school.  He barely napped on our car ride to school and then to Target and then to our friend's house.  So, I was a little nervous how he would do waiting until 11am or so to eat again.  When we got to Kyndal's house, I decided I'd see if he would take a nap even though it was past 10am already.  Well, the little guy must have been tired and not too hungry because he slept until I woke him up at 11:20am!  Wait to go, Penn!  During that nap, Kyndal and I gabbed and Tav had a blast playing with all of Kaiser and Porter's awesome boy toys!  Here he is taking a picture while I took a picture of him.  
Tav was so busy with the trucks (and I so busy chatting) that I didn't get any pictures of him with the cool truck toys, but you can believe me that he made good use of his time at Kaiser and Porter's house!  Kyndal got a few good shots of Tav with the "Bih Dee-Dee" which means "Big Digger." 

I enjoyed getting some more time to hang with Malone, K & P's new baby sister.  Look at how cute (especially the hair!).
She and Penn basically missed each other today as Malone went down for her nap just as I got Penn up to eat.  Oh well!  Maybe next time we can get a shot of the sure-to-be friends. Kyndal did get a cute photo of my handsome Penn.
Soon after feeding Penn we had to head home so we would be there in time for Koen's drop-off.  Penn, thankfully, stayed awake in the car.  He enjoyed some playtime and went down for a nap around 1:20/30pm.  He ended up sleeping until about 3:35pm and I held him off until about 3:50pm to eat.  Then we had another experiment in solid foods which went pretty similarly to yesterday's video capture.  He was pretty tired from his new routine and went down a little early for his catnap and then I had to wake him up at 7pm for his final feeding.  He was back down by about 7:30pm and has been quiet ever since (well, there was the adorable chatting he does for a few minutes after lay-down...melt my heart!).  So, another really good day starting the new routine.  Thank you, Penn Rye.  You amaze me!  

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