Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tavin's Social Calendar

It's been a fun and busy week for Tavin.  Somehow I stacked our schedule this week and we've been enjoying a lot of time with friends.  Yesterday, Miss Kyndal came over with Kaiser, Porter and Malone.  The little guys had such a nice time playing together/around each other.  They all do very well together since there is just about 2 years between the oldest and youngest and Tav is practically right in between the two of them.  Here are a few shots of their busy playdate. 

As you can see, Penn got in on the action this time too.  Here are two more shots I got of his cute face amidst him trying to take in all the busyness going on around him.

We love hanging out with the Bralys.  The boys get along.  Penn and Malone hang out and eat, sleep and be cute.  And Kyndal and I get to chat.  What more could you want out of a playdate?

Today we had another friend over.  Tav's new buddy, Natalie.  We met her at a playground near our home and Natalie's mom and I have totally hit it off.  It's so fun developing some friends for Tav and I love meeting other moms in this same life stage and enjoying a morning together chatting it up and enjoying watching our kids play together.  I didn't catch any pics of Tav and Natalie, but I did get a picture of a project they did while we weren't really paying attention.  Look who made it into a traffic jam in the car tracks?  Is that Baby Jesus??  I was laughing so hard!
Well, that's it for now.  We've been busy this week with playdates, entertaining, big boys sharing their room, Doug out with meetings, etc., etc.  I'm happy I'm finally catching up a little on the blog.  Hate to get behind!

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