Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 3 Was A Breeze, Day 4 Not Sure

Yesterday Penn had another stellar day with his new routine and it was so confirming of my decision to move him to longer durations between feedings.  Anyways, today has not been so smooth although I don't think it has to do with him not being ready, we've just hit one of those weird days.  It all started when his morning nap was only about an hour (yesterday it was 2 hours).  Since I had the van and had to pick up Koen at school in awhile anyways, we got out and ran some errands to push off his feeding.  He was accommodating and spent most of the errand time sucking his thumb looking adorable and not too sad.  I fed him in the car in the parking lot of Target and entertained Tav with a Curious George DVD for a few minutes. Then we went and picked up Koen.  Unfortunately, on the way home Penn got a 5 minute catnap which was probably helpful to hold him off until his usual naptime, but was also possibly why he's woken up 3 times during his afternoon nap?  Oh well, thankfully the poor little guy is so tired he keeps going back to sleep and now it's time to feed him, so I gotta run. Just wanted to get in a little update on my wonderful little Penn who is doing great on this new track, just a few minor hiccup so far thankfully.  And to prove that he's as happy and healthy as ever under the new circumstances, here's a cute picture of him from this morning..

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