Saturday, November 24, 2012

Back Up & Running!!!

A BIG thanks to my friend, Sky, who did a little research and uncovered a way to keep blogging despite having reached my limit (see comments in my "On Hold" post if you are having the same problem.  Looks like there are a few free solutions that will allow me to keep uploading pictures and keeping you aware of what the Melders are up to.  You can all breathe a big sigh of relief now.  Phew! =)


  1. YEAH! That's so exciting! Ok, I have a question about re-sizing. I want to keep the option open for printing my blog into a book someday. Will re-sizing it on the blog reduce its quality in book form? I know nothing about this stuff! =)

  2. Ok, here's something I've been thinking. I have 1,045 posts at this point. In X amount of years when I stop blogging, how many posts will I have then? Let's say posts are appx. 2 pages each, that's 2,000 pages at this point. That's a small fortune to print as is and then also, when on earth will my children ever read 2,000 pages about their early years (especially since they are boys!)? I do an annual photo book using another company and I keep the text limited and the kids already enjoy those. I think I will probably keep doing that and not do the book from the blog. Your thoughts?
