Monday, November 12, 2012

A New Day for Penn Rye

Penn Rye has been rockin' a schedule since Day 1 practically with eating at 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm and 7pm, but in the recent weeks and days I've felt like it was time to start stretching his feedings to more like four hours apart.  After looking at my calendar and seeing that never was there going to be a perfect week to dive into a new schedule (and a few consultant calls with my mom), I decided to see if we could start a new schedule as of today.  Penn (as usual) was a champ and showed me that he was definitely ready for this new advance.  He ate at 7am, but I'm hoping to start getting him to 7:30am instead.  Then he ate at 11:15am, then at about 4pm and then 7pm.  He did a great job stretching his morning nap a little and he took a great, long afternoon nap as usual, so this change seemed like no big deal for him today.  I sure hope that the next few days continue to be so successful, but more likely we will have some growing pains.  I'm thankful that the first day went so well even if just to show me that yes, Penn is ready to move on.  Speaking of moving on, I also decided to launch into some taste-testing of solids for the little guy.  I'm sure elongating his feeding schedule will only be helped by introducing him to cereal, etc., so we decided to dive in today as well.  It was so fun giving him his first solids meal.  I caught it on video here.  He was definitely not as into it as I thought I would be.  I guess it'll take him a little bit to get used to the new flavor/consistency.
Tavin was quite the distraction during the whole episode.  Here's a funny picture of Tav "fixing" the swing while Penn munches on his new treat.
Tavin had a great day today too.  It was odd not having our normal routine due to the test run of Penn's new day, but Tavin really benefited from the extra time in the morning to play out in the backyard (probably our last 60 degree day for months).  He played in the sandbox and the garden for an hour.  Here's my little content bug.
Well, today was a great start to a new routine.  Hopefully tomorrow will go OK.  We have to take Koen to school and then have plans to see some friends, so it will definitely not be as straightforward.  I'm sure you will hear all about it!

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