Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2012!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving here at home with Doug's parents and brother.  So much to be thankful for this year!  First off, it's crazy to think that a year ago we were just announcing that we were pregnant and then this year we have an adorable, happy, healthy almost 5 month old!  Such a blessing!  Then there are the two other little guys that we enjoy so much.  We are so thankful to have one another and still be best friends after over a decade of marriage.  Those are the top items along with our salvation in Jesus Christ.  Then there are so many other blessings especially those dear relationships we have in our family and friends.  We are richly, richly blessed!  And we had a wonderful day celebrating all of that.  

Before Doug's parents arrived Douglas was super busy with the big boys hanging their name letters above their beds in their rooms and a few other little finishing touches up there.  I was able to set the dining room table and set out the place cards Koen made with me a few days ago.  I think it was cute, not fancy, but cute.  

Koen also helped me make a cornucopia which they had talked a lot about at school.  He was so excited to find out I had one in the basement and we used fruits and veggies we had on hand.  I think it turned out pretty cute!

Then Doug and Koen worked on some lunch prep while I hung out with Tavin.  
Doug's parents got in around 10:15am.  The boys were so thrilled to see them.  We had a little snack to hold us over until lunchtime (set to be about 1:30pm) and then the boys got to open a few gifts that Uncle David and Nana and PopPop had brought with them.  The boys were pretty excited about that!  

Uncle David gave Koen a helicopter Lego set, which he later helped Koen assemble with so much patience.  It was so great to watch them work together and Koen LOVES his new toy!
Nana & PopPop gave the boys several new lovely books.  We've been re-reading them ever since (Tavin loves his Olivia and Puff the Magic Dragon, we've read them twice a day at least!).
After the present opening we thought it was a good idea to get the big boys outside.  Doug and Koen set up a game of soccer out there.  While they were doing that, I brought Penn down after feeding him and he got to reunite with his loving grandparents.  As you can see, he had some special moments with his Nana!

Uncle David also got a sweet snuggle...
Koen and Doug really enjoyed their soccer game and David and Nana got some fresh air with Penn as the big cheerleader for Koen.  

Tavin hit a wall (probably tired from the earlier than normal wake-ups this week now that he's so pumped to be sharing a room with big brother!) and PopPop came to his rescue and took him inside to read some books.  Tavin loved that time!
 Tavin was super lovey with PopPop all day.  Here he is snuggled up for a photo.
 And how sweet and special is this!  One of my all time favorites!
The turkey and all the fixings were done and ready to go right on time, so we all sat down to the meal.  Here's the bird bursting with flavor and stuffing, just jumping out of its skin!
Tavin and Penn both went down for their naps about 10 minutes into their meal.  They were so tired from the special morning with family and napped great.  The rest of us (adults and Koen) hung out at the table just enjoying each other and the meal for awhile.  I love it when the meal lingers like that on Thanksgiving.  Koen did an amazing job hanging with the adults. He ate a good meal and then happily played with his helicopter for a long time while we finished up and did dishes.  Everyone of course got pretty tired, so we let Koen snuggle up on the couch and watch Polar Express with Doug, David and PopPop and Nana and I did the dishes and then headed out on a lovely walk to enjoy the mild Fall day and sunshine.  That was another favorite part of my day.  I love my mother-in-law and the chance to walk and chat was so nice after the busyness of the morning.  When we got home, all the men were asleep and Koen was glued to the movie.  Classic!  I fed Penn at 4pm and then woke Tav up from a sound slumber still at 4:30pm, then we had pumpkin pie and then Nana, PopPop & Uncle David had to get on the road.  Tavin was so sad to see them go.  He said, "more Nannie PopPop, Mommy, I wuv Nannie PopPop."  How precious!  Thanks for a great visit, Mom, Dad and David.  What a great day!

Our little family had a nice end to the evening.  We took the boys out on a walk around 5pm and just looped through the neighborhood.  It was so nice to be out as the 5 of us enjoying the fresh air and the simple time together.  I loved it.  Then after the boys' bedtimes Doug and I had delicious turkey sandwiches and just relaxed.  I hit the hay at 9pm.  So tired, but so thankful. =)

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