Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We Made It!

Thank you for all the prayers and well-wishes. Sick baby, emotional roller-coaster toddler and one super Mommy (well, sometimes) made it to NH in one piece and in fairly good spirits. Tavin did very well despite not feeling well. When he woke up this morning I could tell he was on the mend, but he isn't all the way there yet and now does have a rash on his hands, feet/legs and stomach, so it is possibly hands, foot and mouth disease. Great. I guess it just runs its course though.

Koen was thrilled from the moment I went up to get him this morning (which was 8:20am, despite the fact he had been awake since 6am...of all days!). He did very well while I fed he and Tavin breakfast, waited for our friend, Kassi to pick us up and even rolled his own suitcase into the airport. He was relatively patient through security and the terminal at Pittsburgh (he loved the train that takes you to the gates, he said, "I just want to ride it all day", thankfully there was a plane awaiting us that I could bait him off with).

The first plane ride Tavin was pretty upset as he only had slept about 30 mins. in the car on our way to the airport and then was ready for lunch by the time we boarded our flight. After getting some food into him, he cheered up for awhile. Koen was really sweet and comforted him through the whole take-off process. Adorable! Koen, who has been a little apprehensive in the past with take-off, did very well and was just thrilled. He should've been on the loud speaker over the airplane, he narrated the whole process.

The wait at Philly was longer than expected due to our next plane being late, but thankfully it was only a 30 min. delay. Still, an hour and a half in Philly with 2 boys can seem like 6 hours! Koen was coming up on his usual nap time, so his listening and obeying skills were dwindling. I let him run off some energy in an empty gate area and eventually we all just sat down and I put him in front of the DVD player. Tavin actually took a 30 min. nap in the carriage, which was a huge plus as he did wake up refreshed and did very well on the take-off on the 2nd flight. Koen's apprehension came back a little bit in his overtired state, but he did very well with it still. Tavin fell back asleep for about 30 mins. of that flight, so that was great for him too.

They really both did so well, I have no complaints. I'm tired, but it's rewarding to know I got them through that ordeal and they both managed very well. I'm glad we will be here 2 weeks though before I have to do it all over again!

Koen was so excited to see Gramma and Grampa. When I tried to talk to him in the car on the way back to their house from the airport, he said in a dreamy state, "I'm sorry, Mommy, I'm just thinking about Gramma and Grampa." Dad was completely excited to hang out with his little buddy again. They played as Mom got dinner ready and I fed Tavin.
After dinner, Dad and Koen went on a walk with the wagon full of my brother's old trucks. They wasted no time getting into the fun here. And Dad didn't really want to let him go to bed yet...I had to put my foot down eventually, the tiredness was bound to hit Koen sometime and I wanted it to be after he was in bed!
Tavin and Koen went down well in their new locations. I'm praying Tavin sleeps late in the morning or even just until 7am would be above my low expectations. It's pretty warm here and with no AC, the windows have to be open and that means lots of happy sunshine in the early AM. We'll see what tomorrow brings!

1 comment:

  1. Yea!! So glad you made it safely. Hope you have a wonderful time up there and hurry back. :)
