Friday, July 2, 2010

June Passes into July Already!

I've missed blogging these last few days. Doug has been super busy with work which has left me at home with the boys 24-7 for the past few days...from wake-up to lay-down. To a non-mother, this may seem like no big deal, I mean, it is my job, isn't it? Yes, it is, but it also is a lot easier to get through when Daddy is a part of it here and there. Thankfully, we got some relief today. Daddy was around amidst his work day and it was just what we needed at the end of this week.

Koen has been a roller coaster ride these last few days. Precious moment highs mixed with superbly impressive low points. Oh, toddlers! I can't imagine having a girl, Koen is enough of a drama boy for me. No drama queens needed! I don't know what I would do!

We've had a typical week since our farm outing I blogged about on Tuesday. Wednesday we stayed around the house and neighborhood, same with Thursday with an outing to playgroup (within walking distance).

Thursday included a super low for Koen. Doug had forgotten his car keys when he went to work, so he stopped by with some co-workers (a few bosses and a consultant) randomly in the morning. Koen and I were taken by surprise. At 30, I can handle a surprise visit just fine. Koen, at 3, not so much! He started screaming, crying with tears streaming down his face, he was kicking his legs. Unbelievable! Completely embarassing. Doug's entourage was kind enough to comment on how much they liked our home, how nice it was to see us, but really, I think they all wanted out as soon as possible. It was an even quicker "drop by" than Doug intentioned. They were gone in a flash. I don't blame them. It was not a happy scene.

We always bounce back quickly though. Toddlerdom is so odd. It is really challenging me in my own character, walk with God and prayer life though. I hope I become a better mom, wife and person through all of Koen's ups and downs. Hopefully Tavin will have a much more patient and gracious Mommy to deal with when he goes through all this.

Speaking of Tavin, he is doing very well. Getting into eating solids again a little bit (he loves eating next to Koen, it seriously improves his interest in food and Koen finds it so special to get to sit next to Tavin, pulling his highchair as close to his seat as possible).
Tavin is cutting his first tooth. I can feel the ridges easily now, but I do think it has a layer or two of gum tissue to still make its way through. This has been causing some interruptions in nighttime sleep, but nothing that a little Tylenol and crying himself back to sleep doesn't seem to cure (when I visit him though I am so tempted to just snuggle him all night long, but in the long run we know that that would not be a good decision!). Tavin's new favorite chew toy is his sock. Seriously, most naptimes that I go up to get him from, he has found his feet and has snatched off a sock and is chomping on it like crazy. So cute!
Today Koen and I had a fabulous morning while Doug worked at home and Tavin napped. We went to the Roving Art Cart at Highland Park. The "art cart" is a traveling festival of sorts. There are several tents with arts and crafts activities. They even had a "slight of hand" magician show with them today. We had invited our neighbors Hilary and Delia and Huxley to come along. Delia is definitely one of Koen's closest buddies. Koen's favorite craft (well, the only one he tried because he liked it so much), was the painting. He made two very lovely and colorful paintings. He is very patient with rinsing his brush, drying it on a papertowel and getting a fresh color. He even did very well not mixing the paints. Very impressive! The Roving Art Cart staff with Citiparks were fabulous. I highly recommed this activity to anyone in the area. You can go to the Citiparks website for more information on locations and times over the coming summer weeks.

Koen also enjoyed some time on the playground with Delia. It's so fun to see him starting to develop his social playing skills. He and Delia do a great job together, but after D had to leave, he also made another little friend that he was running around with. So sweet! And a little sad...I just can't believe he is really growing up this fast!
It's been a packed week and a packed day (we also had guests for lunch, I had a friend visit for naptime and then visited a friend in the hospital tonight), but I am so thankful for this beautiful week of amazing weather, my precious, sweet boys and that my husband is home this evening and we are together.

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