Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Indoors with the Boys

Koen has been really into playing indoors lately. This somewhat drives me nuts because I absolutely love to take advantage of the summertime weather and be outside as much as possible. I'm trying to resign myself to the fact that this summer, I have a baby and a toddler and I just can't get outside as much as I would prefer if it was just me. Anyways, today was an on and off unpredictable wash-out, so it was fine that Koen was preferring inside play. I'm not a pushover or anything with letting him get his way, but sometimes it is just easier to go with the flow on the little things, especially when I think my desire for him to play outside is a little selfish. I do have high hopes for a walk to the playground after Tavin eats and Koen gets up from nap, but we'll see if that is dashed or not.

Koen has been a helpful little man around the house today. He got all excited when I was unloading the dishwasher and asked if he could help with putting the silverware away. Sure! Don't worry, I did the knives myself. I told him it was like a matching game and he thought that was just fantastic and away he went on the job. He did almost every piece himself and those that he did do, he put them all in the correct spots. I said to him, "this is great teamwork, buddy" and then we said, "Go Team Melder!" and high-fived.
Later in the morning we had kind of made a mess with these car tracks Doug found at a yard sale. They leave black crumbly particles all over the floor after you clean them up. Being the neat freak that I am and having a few minutes on my hands while we cleaned up, I figured I would go ahead and sweep it up. Koen asked if he could do some sweeping. Well, sure! At one point he said, "it's pretty hard work being a little boy, Mommy." And then later said, "I'm being a big helper today, aren't I Mommy." He really was. It was really nice!

Tavin is screaming, so I have to run, but I just had to post a few pictures of Koen's new phone (a fake display model). He and Doug went to AT&T yesterday to update my phone (I think I mentioned this yesterday), anyways, they gave him a free one. He has to take it everywhere with him. It is hilarious. He says, "just in case I get a voicemail or have some texts." He always explains to me, "see Mommy, it does this, just like Aunt Abbie's. And it does this, just like yours" when making it slide to the side and up and down.

Finally, here is a shot of my sweet Tavin when we were playing in my room together before his afternoon nap. Such a precious little one!

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