Thursday, July 15, 2010

CitiParks Roving Art Cart in Friendship!

Today the Art Cart came to Friendship. We had our playgroup meet up there instead of at the playground. It was a fun change. Koen was excited to go because he really looked forward to painting again.

He probably spent almost a half an hour painting his picture. It's basically a big blob of color mixed together. Last time he was really careful about not mixing the paint and rinsing and drying the brush between uses. Today, he was much more carefree in his technique. Not to mention that we have a Curious George book that talks about painting and mixing the colors to make new colors. He even said to Miss Meaghan once, "See, you put these together and it makes black."

After the painting (which he took a step farther this time and also used his hands to mush it around on the paper), we had to wash his hands. While we were at the water buckets (which really grosses me out anyways since there is no disinfectant or soap used and everyone there was using it) he was slowly trying to get the paint off his hands and a small group of kids came around to wash their hands. They were not very kind and they knocked him over by mistake, but they definitely were not apologetic to him afterwards. So, he was wet, dripping with paint, crying, rubbing his eyes and just so surprised and upset. My heart went out to him. But I was also not sure how to comfort him since Tavin was strapped to the front of me in the BabyBjorn and I didn't want him to get paint on him and then in his mouth. So, he was difficult to comfort and then after I got him somewhat cleaned up with wipes and calmed down, he threw a little fit, I don't know why, I guess just because he's 3. Finally, we got ourselves together enough to move on and check out what else was available. They had sidewalk chalk, face/body painting (I'm not particularly fond of it and definitely knew he wouldn't be patient enough to wait in line), clay and then finally, mosaic! Koen was hesitant, but eventually warmed up to the artist and the idea of helping put together this big puzzle. We were probably there "helping" the artist for 20 minutes or so.

Koen did very well. He definitely preferred doing the big pieces on the fresh glue rather than placing the small pieces in the existing holes and spaces, but I was impressed by his patience and concentration. The mosiac will actually be hung somewhere in or on a building in the city along with all the others made this summer at the Art Cart. It was so pretty. I loved it. Maybe we should make one for our playroom. =)

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