Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Chocolatey Calamity

For Koen's birthday, Doug bought him this cute book, "Oh, Ducky, A Chocolate Calamity." It is really cute and has great illustrations for an imaginative, 3 year old boy's mind. Koen has been very interested in factories since getting really attached to the book. Well, lucky for us, soon after Koen's birthday we met some new folks at our church whom we've become fast friends with and they just happen to have a family chocolate-making business! Or, as the Dad (Mr. Mark to Koen) likes to claim...he is a Master Chocolatier! =)

So, we've been meaning to take a trip to the factory for months and today we finally did! It was such a great adventure for all of us. I, being the dark chocolate lover that I am, was totally looking forward to the opportunity, but Koen really was excited as well. I was so impressed with him throughout the excursion as he was very interested in how the chocolate and candies were being made, he stayed pretty close by me and listened and obeyed for the most part. Very encouraging as I was envisioning quite a few other scenarios (Koen going down a conveyor belt covered in chocolate perhaps? or getting locked in a cooler?). He cracks me up too. He is not a kid that just accepts any piece of candy or anything sweet. It's nice to see as a mom actually. He definitely found some favorites though...plain dark chocolate, dark chocolate over creamy chocolate and plain milk chocolate. What can I say...he's my boy!

Here are some pictures from our time in the factory. Note how intently Koen is watching our friend, Mark, make the toffee. After we left today he said, "maybe I could be a chocolate maker someday, Mommy." Music to my ears! =)

They have a retail store at the Pentagon, these chocolate molds are made for this store.
Spreading the toffee (above).
Cutting the toffee (above).

My favorite treat on the factory floor today, dark chocolate with a decorative white chocolate drizzle.
Koen, the engineer, checking out how the conveyor belt machine parts work. A chocolatier in training (or a part-time summer factory worker).

Happy Chocolate Lover!
Uh, oh...Look who found the store room!
The retail store above the factory.

Look at those wide eyes! Yum, yum, yum!

The Mommies sporting the hairnets (Koen chose not to participate in the picture...classic!).

Doug had coached Koen last night to ask Mr. Mark for chocolate peanut butter chocolates. Koen made his Daddy proud. He went right up to him and asked accordingly. So cute!

After our visit to the factory, we headed to Chik-fil-A with our friends. It is so much easier caring for two when you have friends around! Koen again did surprisingly well (at first it seemed we were heading towards meltdown, but after some real food he was very pleasant...can't blame the kid for that!).
I decided to squeeze in a few errands on our way home since I knew Tavin's schedule was already so messed up and Koen can usually handle an odd day every once in awhile. We got gas and went to Target and got home later than Koen's usual naptime, so I did deal with the consequences, but we got through the meltdown relatively quickly. It seems to help when I have low expectations and I don't really make a big deal about it. I knew he was tired, so I just dealt with it and it turned out fine. Koen had to be woken up at 5:40pm tonight. I guess he was tired!

Tavin didn't fare so well, but that's OK. I kind of figured that would happen. He screamed through the late afternoon nap I attempted to try and have him take. So, after trying to comfort him with a visit and then letting him struggle a little more I rescued him. I took him down to my bed and we just laid there and I was thinking he would be all tired and want to cuddle. Not so much! It must have been all that time in the car seat. He was ready to play. It was hilarious. 75% of that time he had a sock in his mouth, it is the cutest and funniest thing with him, it seems to be a great teether for him and it looks hilarious! He wanted to practice sitting up and play with toys and of course, chew the sock. So, I let him. I laid there and relaxed and watched some Friends episodes and he did his thing. It was actually a nice change. We did that for an hour! At 5pm I fed him and then he went downhill fast with very little napping in except a few catnaps throughout the day in the car.

Both boys are now in bed sleeping. I had a nice evening taking care of the garden and plants after laying Tavin down and while Doug took care of Koen's last few pieces of his day. Now, Doug and I are multi-tasking on our computers with a movie on in the background and the sun is setting. It's been a good day.

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