Monday, December 15, 2014

Truth in the Tinsel, Days 11, 12, 13 & 14

So, I'm discovering it is really tough to do an ornament/lesson a day now that Koen is in school (last time I did it he was only half-day Kindergarten, which worked really well).  Anyways, I'm trying to give myself grace as we get behind and play catch up or skip along to keep up.  I love spending a little time each day to focus on the Christmas story and have to remind myself that's the important part, not the making of the craft.  It's awesome because the author of the advent program has created shortcut solutions for situations just like mine and there are simple paper cut-out ornaments to color in on a day when you are behind, etc.  I think we will be using a few of these this time around!!  

Anyways, Day 11, we studied how Mary & Joseph obediently named their son, Jesus, who was to save His people from their sins.  I got a chance to take a picture of Koen working so hard reading the Scripture.  Check out Tav in the background, totally checked out!

The boys made a Jesus banner ornament.  Tav liked that part much better!!

On Day 12, we read in Luke 2 about how Mary & Joseph had to travel back to Bethlehem because of the census.  This is where I took a shortcut and they just did the color-in version of the ornament.  The boys were actually really into it!
For Day 13 (we did both the 12th and 13th on the 13th, hence the identical outfits and positions!), we studied the same Scripture, but focused on the town of David, Bethlehem and the boys made ornaments from egg cartons to look like a few village buildings of Bethlehem.  Since this one involved painting, they were super into it.  
On Day 14 (which we did on the 15th), we again read Luke 2 and focused on the humble stable where Jesus was born because there was no room in the inn.  The boys adapted the stable-making a little because they wanted to glam-out the stable with glitter glue, rather than glue on a bunch of sticks.  Sure, why not?  I guess our stables are just ready for a king, unlike the original that was pretty rustic and rugged. =)  Unfortunately, no pics to prove it, but Doug did snag a picture of Koen reading with the rest of us listening.  I love that Penn got in this shot too.  He's been around us many of the days, but not involved yet.  Just likes to be with the bros (and Mommy of course).

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