Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It's Project Time, Part VIII (It's Done!!)

So, good news...it's the last installment of the kitchen project blog updates because THE KITCHEN IS FINALLY DONE!!  
Thanks so much for all your prayers and support in this stressful time for our family.  We are rejoicing that the project is over and that we do have a lovely new kitchen as a silver lining to the whole leak incident.  

Yesterday was the last day our contractor had to be here to do some final to-do's.  We had originally planned a "Thank You Party" for all those locally that provided for us in these difficult past 7 weeks with meals, laundry, painting, heavy lifting, etc. for that evening.  We had no idea the work would go all the way until 5pm the day of the party, but oh well, it all worked out.  Phew!  I prepared as much as I could over the weekend and then we just went into crazy-fast-prep mode for that hour before the party start time of 6pm.  Here's the finished product after our rush to the finish.  We were pretty happy with it!

The party went off without a hitch and it was great to immediately celebrate with all those who had helped us out (and get to show them the finished product they had contributed to in one way or another).  We never would have chosen to redo our kitchen this Fall, or really any time in the near future as we had no complaints really about our old kitchen.  But we are so thankful for the blessing of this space and that it is even more functional than before and we look forward to blessing others with it as we are finally fully-functioning again!

Thanks again for all your support and prayers.  I am so, so, so relieved this season is finally over!  And I gotta say, I've never had so much fun loading and unloading a dishwasher as I did this morning.  Going without one for 7 weeks definitely makes you appreciate it oh so much more!


  1. Oh Amy it is BEAUTIFUL! I love the flooring especially! You did a lovely job picking out all the details.

    We totally gutted and re-did our kitchen (at the old house) up until the day I had Joshua. The countertops, etc we installed after his birth. It was crazy but so worth it. Merry Christmas to the Melders!!!

    1. Thanks, Krissy! We love it too and yes, I agree, totally worth all the trouble! Merry Christmas to you too!
