Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Kidz Moment at Church

Yesterday Koen & Tavin participated in a little moment during the worship service at church (both the 9am and 11am services).  For the 9am service it was just the Melder boys and the assistant pastor's kids.  So PK's were on display.  They were good sports, but it was so cute because during the first part where there was a story and the volunteers narrating needed some helpers the PK's were nervous and not ready to bound up on to the stage.  Poor Julia, Pastor Dennis' wife, had to be the angel since her son, Jay, wouldn't do it!
Koen went up for the second volunteer position since Dennis and Julia's little girl refused.  Poor Koen had to be Mary!!  He deserves an award.
After seeing the other kids up there, Keely, the little girl mentioned above, agreed to come up and be the shepherd.
That meant that Tavin got to be king.  He was quite proud about how all that worked out.
After the little story time, the point of which was to focus less on getting gifts and more on the gift of love God gave us in His Son, Jesus (but the theme of hilarious kids came across probably a little more loud and clear), it was time to sing!  The 4 pastor kids performed "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and "Jesus Love Me."
At the next service there were a lot more families, so a lot more participants for the story and the singing.  Here are some glimpses of the story part where Koen and Tavin were shepherds this time.  The little girl, Eliza, snuck up at the last minute to claim the King role.  Look at Koen cracking up at her cuteness!
The singing part again.  Poor Tav.  His shirt is totally the appropriate size, but if those hands go up, it's all belly for the audience.  I think he has a longer torso than Koen.  Pastor mom fail!

Koen and Tavin did a great job following instructions, leading by example and praising the Lord in these special moments at church this week.  I was so happy to see it.  They loved the special attention and the big responsibility of it all too.  Good job, boys!

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