Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Rainy, Lazy Day with my Little Bugs

So the usual, "rain, rain, go away, come again another day" is not the lyrics for this rainy day.  More like, "rain, rain, come again, wow today was refreshing fun."  I'm carless on Wednesdays and Tav is home from preschool.  If it's nice outside I usually try to get out of the house and into the fresh air in the AM as much as possible.  But with a very rainy day (and a visit from our furnace guy scheduled for 9am) we just hung around the house.  Tav stayed in his PJ's until 11:30am, Penn until 1:15pm.  Yeah, pretty laid back.  It was so nice.  We played games, we snuggled, I multi-tasked a little, but mostly I just enjoyed my little guys.  It was great.  Tav said, "I don't have preschool today, today is my relax day."  You got it buddy.  Here he is decked out in Thomas pajamas and his engineer cap (which he wore all day) reading and snuggling with his blanket.
Penn was all over the place this morning.  He's still dealing with not napping in the mornings combined with his increase in activity (he is almost walking!).  He's moving every minute and loves to try everything Tavin is doing.  Today he wanted to be on the truck just like Tavin.
Here's the fearless leader.  He was playing delivery man.  We developed a pretty awesome game.  At this point he was considering changing his delivery truck into a scooter, but he ended up going back to driving the delivery truck.
Anyways, I ramble.  Today was one of those days where I almost looked forward to the cold weather months for more of these slow mornings where we spend hours in the playroom just being together.  Rain, rain, come again...

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