Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Gramma Visit Wrap-Up

On Sunday, it was such a nice change to have my mom's company all day rather than doing the home life with the boys on my own as I usual do on this particular day of the week.  We enjoyed a lovely service at church (again Penn made it through nursery although with a few more tears this week).  Then we braved a few errands.  That was rough, but it was nice to have companionship for the cloud of chaos that was me and 3 boys in a busy store on a Sunday morning.  We survived that and got home in time for lunch.  After lunch Koen and Tavin were playing in the backyard.  After a morning of Koen really, really pushing all the limits, I figured the quiet play that was happening back there meant that they were up to no good, but I was so, so pleasantly surprised when he opened the back door (see I had just decided to turn a blind eye since they were playing well together and I was listening through the open window) and invited Mom, Penn and I to join he and Tavin on their train.  "Yes, absolutely!" I said.
We ended up having to put Penn on the ground and we pretended it was a "recreation car."
Later Koen asked to add the wagon as the red caboose.  Genius!  Penn was super excited about that development.  Gramma was such a good sport and went along with everything and added some nice elements to the train game herself (the dining car was brilliant, Mom).
The little guys went to nap and slept hard after their long morning and playful post-lunch train trip.  Koen was still all over the place behaviorally so I figured some mandatory fresh air and exercise might be helpful.  We went on a walk to Aldi.  I figured he would want to scooter, but he chose to walk.  He did great with that (although totally slowed my pace, but that's OK), but he was still really pushing boundaries, not listening and obeying, etc.  We had a few good moments though when I came up with some "challenges" much like an obstacle course at Baum Grove, a green space near Aldi.  I sent him jumping and running all over the place and he loved it.  

Oh, that boyish grin and just the pure, innocent fun was a break we both needed from whatever on earth is going on inside that little boy.  The rest of Sunday went pretty well especially since I had Gramma back-up here while Doug was working.  Monday was hands-down my favorite day of my mom's visit.  It was just a simple day.  Koen went to school and then it was Tav and Penn and us Gagnon girls.  It was cloudy and cool and it was just so nice to have a chill day at home.  Mom and I stayed busy (because that's how we are wired), but we also had plenty of time enjoying the little guys.  I got to walk to the bus stop to get Koen and I always love our walk home.  He seems to really debrief from the day with me and then land at home acclimated and ready for the evening with the family (for the most part).  After Doug got home we had a nice final family dinner.  Here's everybody ready for the meal.
Tav and I made dark chocolate zucchini brownies for the celebration as well.  Tavin could not wait for the meal to end so we could have dessert.  He was the most excited, but they were a hit with everyone. =)  On Tuesday, Tav went to preschool and I ran some errands while Gramma had a final morning hangout with Penn.  After I got home we just hung around the house until we took a nice walk to get Tav from preschool.  Just a regular day and still just loving doing it with the companionship of my mom here.  Unfortunately the visit had to end and after Koen got home from school, mom and I jumped in the car to head to the airport.  It's always so hard to say goodbye, but thankfully we know there is another visit on the horizon with Christmas only two months away.  Thanks so much for coming, Mommy!!

While I took Gramma to the airport, Doug stayed at home with his 3 boys.  The traffic situation getting back from the airport would've been a nightmare, so instead of battling that I just ran a bunch of errands in Robinson for a few hours (super fun and productive!).  Check out this amazing invention I found, dusting slippers (please put on my Christmas list, Douglas...I'm not joking)!  If only they made them in children's sizes imagine how shiny my floors would be with us all wearing these. =)
So while I was combing the very overwhelming shelves of suburban retailers such as HomeGoods and HobbyLobby, Doug was doing the Dad thing.  Here's' the 3 boys on a lovely walk after naptime, before dinner.
After about 20 tries Doug got this pretty great bathtime shot of my three beauties.
Thanks, babe.  I had fun running errands without having to extract children from car seats over and over again.  And I also appreciated the yummy BBQ chicken pizza I came home to.  Such a positive night really helped me not get too sad about Mom leaving. 

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