Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

Halloween is my least favorite holiday.  I'm not one for scary, spooky things (or sugary sweets).  But there are a few aspects of this holiday that I do enjoy.  Here's a list of my favorites this year...

1. A special activity with Koen after his school day.  Frosting the cookies we made yesterday.  He loves baking and cookie-decorating and I love these precious moments to chat with him and do something special together.

Koen was especially generous as he OK'd the fact we needed to use some of these special Halloween cookies for dessert for small group tonight.  He was happy to show them off for the group and I was happy for his spirit of giving on the fly (sometimes he does not do well with unexpected surprises!).

2. Homemade costumes.  Last year, Koen went as knight in a second-hand costume.  This year Doug took it to a new level adding cardboard armor (and we split pieces of the costume between the boys).  Here the boys are with their shields pre-armor.
I asked Tav to hold the shield down so I could see his face, but he said he had to read his "memory verse."  Doug had written the reference of the verse displayed on the front on the back.  Tav was apparently studying up.
 And with armor.  Watch out folks, here come the Mighty Melder Men.
This one's not quite sure how to wield his sword.  
Doug had fun prepping the costumes with the boys this week.  They did sort of look like robots, but it's OK, they knew they were knights and were excited, so that's all that matters.  Here are Doug and the knights heading out into the (unfortunately) rainy evening for trick-or-treating.

3. Sometimes the best things come in small packages.  Penn was a packet of Heinz ketchup for Halloween.  My sister spotted this adorable costume online a few months ago and just had to buy it for her younger nephew.  Thanks, Ab!  It was a hit!  Here's my little "package" before getting completely suited up.  He was enamored with all the colorful things by the front door (we have to have a basket of candy and then bags of backup to refill it throughout the evening).

Ok, now, prepare yourself for the cuteness.  Heinz ketchup has never looked so good.

I perched Penn on the porch with the basket of candy.  He sat there and was so enamored by the constant flow of people up and down our stairs.
Eventually Penn picked up on what we were doing.  Ok, people walk up the stairs, I pick something colorful out of the basket and drop it into the stranger's bag.  Got it.  And he did.  And so begins Penn, the candy man.  He LOVED it.  And I have to say the kids and parents were pretty big fans of this little ketchup packet.  Here he is waiting for our next customer.

4. Smiles.  I love how this night sends so many neighbors, friends and new faces out to the streets dressed all silly and smiling.  I love giving out the candy and seeing the kids all caught up in the fun.  I love seeing all of our neighbors out and about and I'm so thankful for where we live, the families we are surrounded by and the vibrance of the city life.  

Well, that's Halloween 2013 in a nutshell (or should I say a candy wrapper?)!


  1. Nice. Love the ketchup costume on Penn. Hilarious!

  2. And the knights of the round table are terrific. Looks like a good haul of treats. Wow!
