Saturday, October 26, 2013

Gracious Good Start

It's crunch time here at the Melders.  Doug's in a series of super busy weeks which means this momma is also working overtime on the homefront.  This was our first of two super busy weekends especially and the Lord has been graciously carrying us through it.  Here are some high points of our good start.  

On Friday when Koen got back from school and rest times/nap times ended we headed up to the third floor for playtime (again, I'm just not ready yet for this cold and was super demotivated to get back outside!).  On a whim we got out the play tent.  Best.  Idea.  Ever.  The rest of the night was easy-going after that brainstorm.  Here are the 3 boys initially piled in.
Penn got it to himself for a moment and backed himself up against one of the tent walls and he was so weirded out about the soft surface bumping his head!
The boys went on to fully outfit the tent with pillows, blankets, books, play food and all sorts of other things.  Penn is now blockaded out because "he messes it up and then they have to reorganize it."  Believe me, boys, I understand.

Today we enjoyed a few hours with Doug before he had to take off again.  He took the big boys for me to get some errands done.  One of those errands was a stop at the "pumpkin patch."  Well, let's be honest.  We live in the city.  Our urban pumpkin patch is an old church's front lawn covered with a sea of orange pumpkins.  Close enough, right?  The boys were so excited!  Tavin even busted out his "preschool smile."  He has named his newest and best grin yet with that title.  He gets so excited everyday he has preschool he just beams.  So, now whenever we want a good smile we ask for the "preschool smile."  Works every time.
Penn and I met the big boys and Doug at a playground near the house so that I could take over parental duties and Doug could get off to work.  All three boys really had a blast playing with one another doing the same sorts of things...slides, tunnels and smiles.
I didn't even look to get this picture, I just stuck my camera down the tunnel.  Not bad!!
This was another lucky take.  Check out Tav's pose!
No time for portraits for this hard-working guy.  He never stopped moving (and can we just take a moment to say how cute that hat is!?).
Penn would like everyone to know that despite the fact I never have him around our stairs, he has conquered stairs and LOVES them.  He's been trying to go down them head first...not acceptable.  But here he was showing off his newest skill.
Well, that's it for now.  Keep us in your prayers if you think of it!

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