Monday, January 14, 2013

Tavin Toilet Training Day 1

I've been literally praying about this day for weeks.  I've been praying that Tav would have confidence, that he would have some success, that he would feel pride and excitement over a new accomplishment and that dear Lord, I would have patience!  My prayers were definitely answered and I am rejoicing!  

I've been building up the whole toilet training thing with Tavin for awhile now, but this morning we put the diapers away in the closet for Penn to grow into and we put on his big boy underpants (padded cotton training pants).  He's excited to pick out some Lightning McQueen or Thomas underpants at Target later this week as a further motivation.  We've also been talking up M&M's.  I let him taste one a few days ago and then I told him that when he went to the bathroom in the toilet he would get one each time.  He has a bunch of M&M's in a see-through jar to keep the reward in mind...
Oh, it really worked!  Tav struggled at first with getting something in the toilet and wet through several training pants, but eventually he got really excited about pressing "pause" during a show I was letting him watch (gotta keep busy on the first floor with something) and he eventually made it to the toilet, but forgot to pull down his little pants.  So, I let him have an M&M for it.  That did it!  After that we lost the training pants and just let him run for it (I had been fueling him with watered down apple juice all morning to keep the bladder full).  He went straight to the toilet 8 times before naptime with no accidents.  He even did number 2!!  All to get a tiny M&M after each time.  And of course, lots of praise, high fives, hugs and happy dances from Mommy too of course.  Yeah, Tav!  Here are a few pics I captured in the AM of my toilet training little man...  
We did a haircut as another 1st floor activity.  He loves it!  Look how handsome my big boy is!

That's all I got for pics of our first day of training.  After Tav figured it out he kept me on my toes running back and forth to the bathroom every few minutes to give it another try.  I'm so thankful he got it.  I just kept praying..."let him have a success, so he understands" and I've been blessed with a day full of him really getting it.  After his nap he went another 5 or 6 times and did another #2.  I'm actually excited to pick up where we left off tomorrow AM.  What a huge answer to prayer!  Good job, Tavin.  So proud of you!

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