Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Performances by Tavin & Penn

Koen's school was delayed two hours due to the cold this morning, so that means he got to go to all day Kindergarten once he got there at 10:30am.  That also means that Penn and Tav and I enjoyed a little more "peace and quiet" around the lunch hour.  This video may not seem quite or peaceful to you, but it's music to my ears.  We, of course, missed having Koen around, but as you can see it was a nice change for Tav to play first fiddle and for Penn to play second on stage for a change.  
So, just to give some context...  This morning I had been playing hymns to Penn while the big boys were playing (sort of an attempt to block out the crazy loudness with more loudness...can you tell it was a rough morning before K went to school?).  Tavin became re-enamored with piano after Koen left continuing to go back to it again and again.  He took a break for lunch and then resumed and that is when I took this video.  In order to keep my hymnal from being torn in his zealous page-turning, he gets his own book to play out of.  Today it was one about vehicles.  That's why he stops and says it's a boat or a train song, etc. Please note the amazing concentration and expression on his face when he plays.  And don't miss sweet Penn Rye taking it all in and singing along!  


  1. Tav is so sweet as usual and Penn is the most handsome baby I've ever seen!

    1. I wish we could get Grace and Penn together. Those would be some smiley pictures!!
