Sunday, January 6, 2013

Doug's 34th Birthday #Fail

This is one of those years that my heart goes out to those people with birthdays right around Christmastime.  Why do you ask?  Because I fell prey to what most parents, friends and loved ones fall prey to for these people with birthdays around the holidays.  No motivation or energy (or much in the way of funds) left to do much for the birthday boy on January 3rd.  After a busy December of guests, Christmas fun and preparation, Tavin's birthday, more Christmas fun, Christmas Eve, day of and then family and friends in town, followed by New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, I just forgot to have a plan for my sweet husband's birthday.  Thankfully my friend Megan had the forethought to remind me that in recent years we've been celebrating Doug's birthday out with friends, so I did have a reservation for dinner at his favorite restaurant for that evening.  During the morning Tavin and I both made him cards out of construction paper and crayons.  Tav was so proud to show it off when Doug got home after dropping Koen off at his first day back at school.  

I wasn't quite so proud, but I did think it was a little clever that I pulled off a homemade card and maybe he thought it was cute?  Koen made his card for Daddy that afternoon.  It was a collage of all the fun things they did on Christmas break.  Koen came up with this himself and drew a stick figure with little dots/bubbles going to his different thoughts.  Impressive!  Doug loved it.  Doug worked downtown all afternoon with meetings, etc. and so the boys and I didn't even get to have a special treat for him with a candle.  Seriously, ill-planned!!  Anyways, I hope to make that up to him on Monday night with a favorite dinner of chicken pot pie and then a homemade treat afterwards with a candle on top of course.  We did have a great time celebrating his birthday with our friends at Salt of the Earth.  It's one of Doug's favorite restaurants.  It's a little pricey and a little intense for me, but I was so happy we could have an aspect to the day that he could be excited about and feel like I made an effort to make him feel special and honored on his b-day.  Douglas, next year is the big 3-5, you better watch out because I owe you BIG, so I'm going to have to come up with something pretty grand.  I have a whole year to think about it and this time I will have it all lined up before the holidays hit.  I love you and I hope you know my poor planning is not a reflection on how I feel about you.  I'm richly blessed to be your wife and I'm so thankful you are mine!

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