Monday, February 6, 2012

What's Great Is Every Day Is A New Day...

...and not to mention it's great when that new day is also a nursery school day! No, really, I've been filled with a lot of hope and encouragement in the last 24 hours with some new ideas and tools that I'm challenging myself to work with and most importantly, I'm relying on the Lord to help me to discern this difficult job. But yet, nursery school mornings are a delight. We dropped Koen off, ran to Target for a few things and then Tavin and I got to hang out at the house. Tavin was really into what was going on outside our window today. Look how cute...Then we went up to the playroom and played for quite awhile. Again, I'm really trying to chill out on the multi-tasking and be really intentional when I have a chance to play one-on-one a little bit. Tavin and I were playing with a crane toy of Koen's. I was making all these crane noises (well, in my head they are crane noises). Tavin totally picked up on it and started walking around picking things up and crashing them down making similar noises. It made me laugh out loud and then he started laughing really hard. I tried to get him to do the whole thing on video, but instead we just got a cute, silly video of Tavin really actually just trying to see the other side of the camera. It's still his sweet face though, so I'm including it (wish I could've gotten the crane thing on tape!).

After we finished up in the playroom, we headed downstairs to get ready to go get brother. First though, Tavin helped me do the dishes. He loves it! Today he learned how to squeeze the sponge. Pretty exciting stuff!It was another mild winter day, so we got to walk to pick Koen up. A nice challenge and some much needed fresh air. When I got the boys back home they tore through their lunch and then to keep them from running around crazily, I suggested that they play grocery store again. Koen was so excited and it ended up keeping them busy all the way until naptime.We only had a few "oops" situations, but it ended up that I got to vacuum out the whole empty pantry when they were done. So, productive, playing boys and a clean pantry. Score!

So, that was basically our day. Simple, sweet and not dramatic. Looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us tomorrow. Praying for strength, wisdom and patience.

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