Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Suburban Morning

This morning Doug had a meeting in Wexford and the boys and I had no plans, so we figured we would come along for the ride and at least run some errands. Well, last night I discovered that there was a playgroup meetup happening there at the church anyways, so we decided we would crash it and catch up with some friends we hardly ever get to see. The boys were excited to accompany Daddy to work and play at "big church." Here's a cool picture from our drive up North. They are in the process of tearing the old Mellon Arena down, you can be sure Koen had quite a few questions regarding how they were attempting this feat.I was busy chatting with some great friends that I don't see nearly enough and the boys kept busy with all the great toys. I didn't end up taking many pictures amidst my conversations, but here is one of Koen's Mr. Potato Head. He was really into it.Tavin was really cranky this morning and has been throwing little mini crying fits the last few days. This morning was no exception and he had a few meltdowns while we played. I caught this picture of him and the ho-hum expression was kind of fitting of his first few hours of the day.We played until about 11am and then headed out on some errands. We aren't usually in suburbia, so I took advantage of it and got a few things accomplished (packed a lunch for the boys of course to keep them happy). After a quick stop at Aldi (my first time in years, had no idea the great prices on produce there...can't wait until the one opens on Baum!) and then on to Walmart Supercenter to get a few craft supplies for all the projects Koen and I have been doing lately, we headed home in time for some play before nap. Tav took a great nap (yay!) and Koen didn't nap yet again, but stayed happily in his room playing until I got him for a special project. See the next blog post for more...

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