Thursday, February 9, 2012

Surprise Valentine's Package!

As we unloaded from the van after arriving home after our playdate, the mailman pulled up across the road and as if he planned the timing perfectly he jumped out and said, "special delivery!" and handed us a little package addressed to the boys from Nana & PopPop. I think he must have known they would get a kick out of it because he didn't even hand us the rest of our mail, but put it in our box later. Isn't that so sweet? And, such an exciting way for the boys to get their surprise Valentine's package! Thanks, Nana and PopPop. Koen couldn't wait to get in and open it and you don't know how much silliness it prevented prior to naptime to have that distraction!

Here's Koen opening the package. He was so sweet, he put it right between he and Tavin so they could both do it (although as you can see, Tavin's face is still in the perplexed expression it was at Deborah's house).Koen knew what it was right away...another travel kit with audio CD of classic stories, this time another favorite, Curious George! He was thrilled!We dove right in and he wanted to start coloring on the activity pages. Nana and PopPop, you have a beautifully colored Curious George picture on the way. He took so much time and concentration, it is truly one of his best coloring jobs yet.Koen didn't end up napping this afternoon, which is fine with me as we've definitely been transitioning to napping only some days and seeing the benefits with Koen falling asleep faster at night. He played happily in his room, but at 4pm I went up to get him so that he could come down and listen to his new CD. He was surprised and excited (although he loves a routine, he asked me several times, "why do you come up so early sometimes to get me?" Gotta love that he enjoys playing alone in his room for almost three hours most days!).We just finished up listening to the first story and then the Dinosaur one as well. Saving the Kite story for later. Now he's in the kitchen coloring another surprise picture for me and I'm going to finish up the soup for dinner tonight. Thanks for a great surprise, Nana and PopPop. This will continue to be a fun new thing for Koen (and Tavin too).

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