Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Look at That Building!

When Koen and I visited the library on Friday last week we found so many good books. I think not having Tavin distracting me with drama at the train table allowed me to really peruse the shelves. One book I found is, "Look at That Building, A First Book of Structures."It's a pretty simple read, but Koen loves how it explains different parts of a building and that the children in the book have a very fun tree house. The most exciting aspect of the book to Koen though is the "Make a Mini Doghouse" section at the end of the story. So, of course, I knew I needed to make sure we had the simple "ingredients" for the project on hand and plan a time to do it. No better than today! Here's my setup before I got Koen out of his room from rest time...Here's the happy boy when he came down, all excited to get started on this fun "just Koen" project.And, drum roll please, the finished product. I'm pretty proud that it looks much like the dog house in the book. Koen is so proud of this creation. I thought it would be more hands on for him than for me, but it was the opposite. The sticks and marshmallow combination were pretty wobbly until we got the paper all taped on. Koen was a good sport though, supporting the structure as I quickly tried to mount some walls.I enjoyed the activity and Koen did too. I've been really enjoying this every few days of getting Koen up a little early and having some one-on-one time with him after nap/rest time. I'm always surprised how much I like the creativity of these little projects, maybe I'm more creative than I thought, or at least at a 4 year old's level. =)

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