Thursday, February 23, 2012

Spring-Like February Days

The last few days have been so nice and mild (well, actually the whole winter has been an anomaly and I love it!). Last night, with the temp almost 50, Doug took the boys on the bikes to the playground while I finished up dinner.Today we were heading out to Mellon playground, but had plans to do a few errands first. One of those errands was a big deal to Koen. By doing his daily and weekly duties listed on his job chart (and a few other tasks, such as shoveling the sweet neighbors stairs), he had filled his piggy bank and he was allowed to spend $10 on himself today. He was such a big boy about it. First, we had some fun with math and learning about coins counting it all up...
Then we had a big chat on the way to Target about things you can afford and how some things he may want would be too expensive and he could choose to save more or get something less expensive. We also talked about how Mommy had to OK the purchase. And of course, the big rule, if there is any whining and complaining, we are leaving without buying anything and will have to wait for another day. Well, I'm happy to report he actually did an awesome job. He was patient, perused and picked a fantastic few things. He decided on a pair of binoculars and a strong shovel for when we go to the beach in Florida in March. Very good choices. Things that are totally different than what he has (so happy it wasn't junky or loud!). Here he is at Mellon Park after our errands trying out his binoculars. He loved it!Tavin had fun at the playground too. Here he is pretending to serve me lunch at a restaurant. So precious!Koen's friend, Greta, actually showed up at the playground and they had a fantastic time being silly, rowdy and running around. Tavin sank back and did his own thing or followed the big kids, it was sweet. I felt a little bad for him. But he was happy to be outside and Gramma followed him around for some extra company quite a bit. Well, that's about it for now. Still keeping it simple and loving being outside the last few days!

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