Wednesday, February 29, 2012

School Pictures Are In!

Koen brought home his school pictures today. So cute!! As a prelude to looking at the pictures, note that Koen was really upset that day because they went to play outside before their pictures were taken and the teachers made Koen put a hat on. He tried to protest, but they insisted. When he got home he recounted the whole thing to me saying his teachers didn't understand and so he obeyed and put the hat on. Poor guy. He said, "I just didn't want to mess up my hair before the pictures." So cute! Then today when he brought the pictures to me he said that the photographer was really silly to make him laugh and that he also combed Koen's hair even though Koen didn't want him to. Obviously, we need to help him relax about his hair next year. Perhaps I talked it up a little too much?

Ok, so here's the big reveal? Which is your favorite? Would love to know. I have to order some for us and the grandparents and I will have a tough time deciding between Image 1 and Image 3 (I'm "leaning" towards Image 3). Enjoy!


  1. So cute Koen!! Love them all but #3 is my fav :)

  2. I vote for #3 as well. Very handsome!

  3. So cute! I love them, but love the hand lean in #3 too. Also, so cute that they included the classroom in the background. Great idea - instead of a blank background!
