Friday, February 10, 2012

The Official Announcement...Baby Melder #3 is on the way!

In an effort to be cautious, we haven't made any official announcements online about Baby Melder #3, but in case you've heard through the grapevine (or seen my growing belly) and wondered if it was true...YES! We are expecting again. I'm now 20 weeks and due June 29th, 2012. We had our ultrasound today and the baby looked great. So, we figured now was a great time to really let the word out. Here are a few photos of the little thing. Please note that we have not found out the gender and don't want to know until the arrival of this little surprise, so if you are in the medical field and can somehow tell what it is from any of these blobs, bubbles and lines, please do NOT tell us. Thanks!

In this picture, I think you can see the hand resting on top of the head...In this picture you can see the sweet little arm up above the face...We are so blessed and excited about adding another little one to our family. Thanks for all your prayers and well-wishes in advance. We were thrilled to have a positive report today and can't wait for June!


  1. Baby Melder is beautiful already!!! I can't wait to meet him or her! :)

  2. Hip hip, hooray! Great pics of the tiny one. Can't wait to find out whether Baby M will be donning blue or pink! Love you guys.

  3. Congratulations Doug and Amy! #3 will be a wonderful addition to your family. Many blessings to you!

    And Amy, I would love to get our kids together some time...we are often free of Thursdays!

  4. Thanks for the congrats messages. It's so fun to have finally posted this publicly and have everyone know the big news. June come quickly!!!!
