I love it when Doug has a weekend with an actual full two days off. It only happens every few weeks it seems, so when it does we take advantage of it. It feels so good to have a weekend together! I don't have a ton to say about our day and only a few pictures, but don't be fooled, it was a fantastic day with Doug and the boys.
The boys slept in and we had a late breakfast. Perfect! Then we decided to go to Frick Park for the morning. We split up so that Koen and Doug could go play wiffle ball (Koen continues to amaze us with his early baseball skills!) and Tavin and I hung out on the playground.After a while we all met back up, but Doug and Koen headed out onto the trails with Koen on his bike. I put Tavin on the stroller and went for a 20 minute or so run in the woods. It was getting muggy and hot, but it still felt good to be moving through the woods. Frick is definitely such a treasure of a park!
The boys were pretty tired, especially after all the fresh air and outdoor activity, so we packed them into the car to grab lunch at D's in Regent Square. Koen hung on to his last bits of energy quite well and really enjoyed coloring and having his own apple juice while we waited.a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgoXoYFTqoGQ-l7nNtdb_wotaXhdFl38S7NI4n6LCnCAX5T33JE1dyg4CiVTg905Zsm4QfGHyTAb26bWIpiBbyhpjUpEI_GIR00NY4Ahfx_hVrm4MUbIPtB7-qBdlvlM_Zi6miLI4lDvBs/s1600/Aug+27+%25285%2529.JPG">Tavin was a cranky pants as evidenced by this smug shot.So, while we finished the wait for the food, Doug took him outside for a walk on the sidewalk. He was enamored with the new bus stop at the corner and spent most of their little time climbing up and down off the bench.We got them home ASAP after lunch as it was definitely time for nap. The late night last night was showing it's effects. I jumped out of the car to grab a few things from the grocery store and meet the boys at home on foot. Poor Doug, when he got home only moments before me, everything fell to pieces. Well, literally. Tavin was clingy and just sucking his thumb, Koen went to hang his hat on the coat rack and knocked over a vase of flowers shattering it. This made him start to cry like crazy. Doug somehow got them both into bath and upstairs in new outfits and into bed in about 10 minutes. When I got home I heard Koen screaming in his room, so I rushed up to say goodnight to the irrational overtired little guy. The boys both had long 3 hour naps which they totally needed!
That night we packed them up again to head to Julia and Steve's house for dinner. We've known this couple for a few years now and Doug actually did their wedding last Spring. It was sweet of them to invite us over including our boys.
Here's Koen making friends with their new kitten. How cute!
The boys laid down and went to sleep close to normal time at our friend's house and then we woke them up and took them home around 9:30pm. Tavin did very well laying back down right away. Koen did well too in the sense that he "laid down," but it was hilarious because he got all wound up on the way home and he and Teddy had a crazy time for literally an hour before he went back to bed. He did settle down all on his own though, so it was fine with us (actually more like hilarious to us...I should've recorded it!!).
Thanks to Steve and Julia for a lovely meal, being so gracious to host with our boys and for a fun night in general. We were so blessed to be entertained two nights in a row this weekend. We love entertaining ourselves, but it's a nice break to go to someone else's house every once in awhile and we loved our nights out with the boys the last two nights. Well, it's time to pack up for church, etc. Gotta run!
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