Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Penn's 1 Month Appointment

This morning was Penn's 1 month appointment!  I can't believe how quickly the days go, but then looking back over all the feeding sessions, dirty diapers and snuggle-fests I can see how these weeks have transpired.  Penn had a fabulous appointment.  Last time we were at the doctor's he was about up to his birth weight and was in the 25th percentile.  Today he was 10 lbs. and 4 oz. and in the 50th percentile!!  Good job, Penn (and a little pat on the back for me)!  As for his height...he was born at 20 and 1/2 inches and is now 23 inches long, that's the 85th percentile.  It's amazing how much these little new ones can grow in their early days and weeks and I'm just praising the Lord for his health and growth.  Here are some pictures I took of him at the doctor's office...

While we were at the doctor's office we had left Aunt Abbie with the two big brothers at a nearby playground.  They had a blast and both boys behaved very well (Koen's been giving us a run for our money most days!).  When I got to the playground the boys were on opposite swing sets.  Koen on the normal swings and Tavin in the baby swings.  Abbie was running in between the swing sets to push them.  It was hilarious!  Talk about a great aunt!!  She was having a blast with them.  Tavin was all proud of himself being brave in the swing for Abbie and Koen was just happy to have someone dedicated to pushing him.   

Abbie and I decided to take the boys out to lunch today, so that was a new adventure.  A tight restaurant with 3 boys and lots of gear, but it worked out very well and was fun not to pack lunch or prepare it at home and have to clean up.  We rushed home to get me home in time to feed Penn and the boys hung out with Abbie.  Then I laid all the boys down for a nap and I've been blessed with quite a bit of down time with no boys awake this afternoon (got a lot of tidying up, laundry folding, a brief bit of Pilates and now some blogging done...feels so good to accomplish something with my hands free!).  Now heading to feed my little Penn and wake up Koen so he will sleep tonight (Abbie wore him out so well he wanted to sleep today!).

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