Monday, December 12, 2011

Rolling With The Punches

After such a fun evening with Koen, I was in good spirits and headed to bed a little early. Ahhhh. Unfortunately, Doug came home super sick with a stomach bug shortly thereafter. I hate stomach bugs. Therefore I lay in bed with my stomach in knots much of the night worried about catching it, thinking about poor Doug and what if we all get it. This is just after Tav is finally on the mend and we were all relatively healthy for 24 hours. Oh well, at least we seem to only get minor illnesses most of the time. We have much to be thankful for.

Needless to say I spent my morning before the boys got up disinfecting the 1st floor since Doug slept down there (he moved to the office pull-out couch to quarantine when I woke up). Then I got the boys up, fed, dressed and out the door so that we could take Koen to nursery school. I had no desire to go back home and the germs (although I feel I did quite a sufficient job on the 1st floor), so Tavin and I went to Giant Eagle for some groceries including Gatorade, ginger ale and crackers for poor Doug. Here's Tavin enjoying a car cart (a treat I rarely indulge in because they are so hard to push!).Then I took Tavin to the Squirrel Hill library. It was so fun. I haven't actually ever been there because we love our library in East Liberty, but it was fun to go somewhere different. Tavin loved checking out the different toys and roaming through the book stacks. It was refreshing for me to peruse all the different books available. I think I checked out over 20 books (I think we already have close to that many at home).

After our stay there we headed back home for a brief stop-in to drop-off the supplies for Doug, get a snack for Koen and switch to the stroller. It was getting in the upper 30's and I needed some fresh air to burn off my anxiety. It was a really nice walk and the boys were in good spirits for it too. Koen was super excited to hear about the new library books and after a yummy lunch we headed up to naptime and we read for a long time both enjoying the new stories.

Well, keep us in your prayers. That Doug will feel better (thankfully it does seem to be a 24 hour bug) and that Koen, Tavin and I will be spared this yucky illness! Thanks!!

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